At Dare-2B-Different we always try to find ways to make our photography stand out. Light, and the use of it, is one of the ways to do this. Creating 1940 Hollywood style portraiture is way we were looking for. Being a bit green minded we didn't want to go for the high power, high consumption HMI's or halogen lights. Nope, we opted to go for LED lights. 150W input for an 800W equivalent output. Because this was all new to us Luxillag was so kind to allow us to test Dedolight, De Sisti and Philips lights. All except the new Dedolights had a Fresnel. This lens bundles the light is such an intense way it gives great contrasts. It has something you won't have with flash lights. Our model Laurine was marvelous. She endured all our testing, multiple setups and was there when we needed here.
A day well spend and to be continued.