Flying big jets could have been his other career path. Bad timing (2001) made an end to this dream, but Bernard Panier (BE, 1965) never stopped dreaming.

By heart a portrait photographer, Bernard can’t resist to search for the sensual and emotional pictures. Dance, movement, music, paintings, cities, architecture, movies, joy, sadness, love, color, the unknown, … life in general, are his inspiration. A life he fully enjoys with his beloved wife, two fantastic girls and a bunch of dear friends.   

Bernard loves creating (magical) female portraits. Women that are surrounded by the magic of light, a light that radiates from the inside to the outside. A light that expresses the mood. The surroundings picture the atmosphere and the movement radiates the expression in femininity and self-esteem. The nudity in the images is just a result of the timelessness, beauty and uniqueness.

When not working on commissioned work, Bernard either assists his Wife - Nancy Verbeke, who had a late call in becoming a much appreciated intimate (Boudoir) photographer - or works on personal projects and series.

For his personal work Bernard likes to work with ordinary women, not accustomed to model or stand in front of his camera. Every time it is a discovery and surprise that is reflected in his pictures. Working with these women on different projects and time in their life also make the projects he’s working on even more intense and personal. 

Bernard was awarded a bronze medal during the 2012 Eté du portrait at Bourbon-Lancy and recognised as European Photographer (EP) in March 2017 for portrait and Fine Art work.



  • Fisheye Hors Série - Arles 50 ans de rencontres

  • Giuseppina Magazine Issue 24 with the Transparent series


  • May 2017: Think Jazzy Art Gallery

  • July 2015: The Off at les Rencontres Internationale de la Photographie Arles (RIP)

  • May 2015: Festival Europeèn de la Photo du Nu (FEPN) at Hôtel le Belévedère Arles

  • October 2012: Body Of Art at Grand Cafe Le Roi

  • July 2012: Nudes at Eté du portrait - Bourbon-Lancy (Bronze medal - Portraits)

  • June-September 2012: Fnac Antwerpen

  • Summer 2012: International Knokke Photo Festival

  • April 2012: Fnac Brugge
